Our Pledge to Nature Conservation

Published on April 12, 2023 By Liberty Creative Solutions


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Liberty Creative Solutions takes a moment to reflect on Earth Day's significance and its commitment to environmental stewardship. By donating to The Nature Foundation of Will County and encouraging community engagement with other eco-conscious organizations, Liberty underscores the importance of collective action in preserving our planet's natural beauty and sustainability for generations to come.

Amidst social and professional environments driven by productivity and profitability, themes of environmental consciousness can quickly fall to the wayside. Since the first Earth Day in 1970, this celebration has acted as a reminder of the responsibility we all have to the planet we call home.  

We at Liberty are mindful of what a fantastic job our community has done in maintaining a clean, attractive, and preservation minded space for us to live and work in. To celebrate Earth Day and to honor our commitment to give back to our community, Liberty Creative Solutions will be donating to The Nature Foundation of Will County.

This foundation, “works to create a legacy of giving that supports and celebrates the preservation, conservation, education and recreation priorities of the Forest Preserve District of Will County in perpetuity”.


They accomplish this mission by funding nature education programs, traveling exhibitions, preserving amenities for the public, and administering grant programs to support Forest Preserve Volunteers. As of the 2022 highlight report, the Will County Forest Preserve District acquired more than 160 acers of land bringing their total to 23,119 acers of preserved land. They have served over 102,600 people through education, outreach, public programs, and permitted use of the preserves. Also, more than 11,800 hours of service were generously donated by 792 individuals.


We must take responsibility for the future, it is up to us to ensure that the natural beauty of our home, planet Earth, is preserved. We must give back more than we take, we must always remain mindful of our impact on our surroundings, most importantly, we must act.

Without the support of its community members, The Will County Forest Preserve District and other foundations with similar goals would not be as successful. The Liberty Team invites you to stand with us in these efforts, by considering donating to or volunteering with a local program or foundation.

Below is short list of many environmentally minded foundations in the Chicagoland area, in addition to The Nature Foundation of Will County, that would be grateful for your support. Together the power of our contributions will be felt for generations to come!

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